A new era of sound system and venue acoustics design

Unprecedented accuracy
Treble’s proprietary simulation technology enables virtual prototyping and synthetic audio generation with previously unattainable accuracy.
Seamless workflow
Academic research shows that Treble’s wave-based simulation technology is up to 100-1000x faster than state of the art wave-based solutions.
One click audio-visual auralization
Generate immersive audio-visual virtual listening experiences with great perceptual authenticity.
Treble Pro Audio
Cutting edge sound simulation algorithms, combined with a modern cloud-based workflow
The Treble sound simulation platform enables designers and engineers to unlock the full potential of their sound systems, take the guesswork out of the design process and avoid costly mistakes. Highly efficient wave-based simulations means users can simulate the interaction between the system and the venue with high precision. The simulation can then be auralized in an audio-visual immersive virtual experience to get an intuitive feeling for the performance.